Sunday, April 3, 2016

Rhetorical Analysis of Project 3

The Foundation of my Work

Are we too Dependent on Computers?


1. I will draw from many different aspects in order to create a full idea and support for the public argument. The main aspect that I will pull from will be my own personal experience. I worked for the Geek Squad through high school, which provides computer support, advice, and assistance inside of Best Buy stores across the country. At this job I worked with computers daily and also had an opportunity to see how others interacted and felt about their own personal computers. 

Another aspect that I will pull from will by my own general research interests. Computers and technology has always been a very large hobby of mine from the day I had my first computer running Windows 98. Since then I have built numerous computers, gotten into coding, and spend my free time reading articles around the hobby and pursuing my interests. Through this knowledge and excitement I can understand why people enjoy computers so much and can also contrast this with how dependent humans are on computers. 

2. I have many preconceptions regarding the idea whether humans are too dependent on computers in our current society. I used computers and phones a massive amounts of time every single day. I feel that I am too dependent on computers even though I still use them nonstop. One preconception that I have is that humans spend too much time on computers but it can also be seen in a positive light depending on what activities they are doing on computers. One could be enriching their mind with knowledge on a computer or they could be wasting time reading about cats.


The main audience that I have in mind is America's youth and those relatively young in life. These are people ranging from little kids around the ages of five and over all the way to those in their thirties. The reason that I am choosing this audience is because these people are the largest consumers of technology and computers. They also are the creators of content on the internet and the designers of our future computers. 

One main belief or assumption that this audience probably already holds is that computers are a necessity for everyday life. These people have never lived without a computer in their household if they are younger than around 18. This audience has never experienced not having a computer or access to the internet to be able to research everything that pops into their mind. The position that I am likely going to take on this issue is that humans are too dependent on computers but it is not harmful to our lives. Most of the audience will agree that computers do not take up too much of our lives.

A specific group of people that fall within the definition of "target audience" for my public argument is college students. They fall within this audience because they consume technology the most out of many different age groups whether it be phones or laptops. I will convince them from my perspective by providing facts and realizations that they can relate to.


I want to give people an understanding of how much they use technology in their lives everyday, I want it to leave people rethinking picking up their phone at the dinner table or while sitting in their rooms and realize how often they turn to technology as an aid for certain situations. I want my audience to consider how often they spend texting and consider all the time they spend reading articles on Facebook. Once the audience takes the time to consider this, they can make an educated decision regarding their time spent on computers and how often they turn to computers and phones in order to better their lives or make them feel better about themselves. 

Once I've done all my research and gathered concrete evidence I still have a great amount of things to be accomplished. The concept that people are consumed by computers and that most cannot live without them needs to be pointed out to the people talking about this issue to bring the sources full circle and create a complete argument. The perspectives on the issue that would still need to be explained is the perspective that computers are a necessity in our current day and without computers and the dependency on computers, society would not be the same. The persons that still need to be heard from are the creators and workers for these computer and phone companies that are innovating peoples lives through their products. Finally, more information that needs to still be gathered is statistics regarding computer and phone usage for the average American in different age groups.



The course genre I will be writing in for project 3 will be a video essay.

The kinds of genre expectations that come along with this genre are video clips with a voice over explaining the argument on the screen and text to follow along. The video essay will also include sound affects. The audience expects to be able to watch, listen, and be guided through the video almost painlessly. 

My history working on video essays is making videos for classes in high school and also having a large amount of experience with Sony Vegas.

My comfort level and general feelings about video essays are very good. I feel that I can create a great video regarding this public argument. Also I will be able to integrate many videos since the project is on humans consumption of computers. 

The two most effective conventions in this genre are voice overs reading information off and also text on the screen for the viewer to read. I believe these two work together to keep the attention of the audience, causing them to actually take in the information. 


Major historical events that might impact how my audience perceives my argument is the innovation of computers in the recent past and also the wide spread of the internet across the world, connecting people with information that they previously would never experience. The biggest events that I need to include are January 21, 1986, the first time computers were in the USA and August 6, 1991, the release of the World Wide Web. 

Computers make the world a better place
Computers are necessary for nearly everything in our lives
Computers increase the quality of life for humans
We need computers to store and share data 

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