Sunday, April 3, 2016

Content Outline

Making a Road Map

Opening Section

  • Are humans too dependent on computers in their lives? 
  • Introduce both sides of the argument that computers are necessary and that we are too dependent on computers
  • Ideas that will pull the readers attention are mentioning computer items that they use daily. Also another idea that will pull the readers attention is reflecting to the past before computers.

Body Section 1

  • Main Idea: Humans are not too dependent on computers in their lives
  • Evidence 1: Technology is a necessity for our lives, File Keeping, Medicine, Daily Tasks
  • Evidence 2: Computers are an invention of humans for the betterment of their lives
  • Evidence 3: Computers make humans lives easier and more convenient 
  • Evidence Proof: This evidence proves that computers are not a detriment to our lives. We made computers to better our lives and if we were to get rid of our computers the overall quality of life would be less. Tasks such as file keeping and medicine improve our lives everyday and aid in giving us longer lives. Computers being invented by humans means they are tailored for humans and will help us greatly. With an easier and more convenient life, we can use our time to do greater things and continually better the world. 
  • Importance: These pieces of evidence are very important because they are all very practical things within our lives. Humans strive for the bettering of their lives and live for simplicity. 

Body Section 2

  • Main Idea: Humans are too dependent on computers in their lives. 
  • Evidence 1: Humans did not need computers for the majority of our existence
  • Evidence 2: Computers are taking away from social experience and limiting social skills 
  • Evidence 3: Computers are taking away jobs from people and we will get to the point where humans cannot even do these jobs themselves if they needed to
  • Evidence Proof: This evidence proves that computers are not e necessity in life but instead taking away from reality. Humans are losing their skills that they worked so hard to develop like craftsmanship. At the end of the day our faces in computers will be detrimental to our development as a race. 

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