Sunday, April 3, 2016

Research Report

Gathering all the necessary information

Debate on Human Progress
Author: Steven Pinker

Host: Munk Debates

Source: YouTube

Author Credibility: Professor at Harvard University in the College of Psychology
He has won awards from the American Psychological Association, the National Academy of Sciences, the Royal Institution, the Cognitive Neuroscience Society and the American Humanist Association.

Target Audience: The target audience for this source are those within the field of psychology and also those interested in psychology extensively. The source is a debate between psychologist.

Sources Main Purpose: The main purpose of this source is a debate on human progress regarding the mind and how we are influenced by our own inventions (Computers)

Contextual Details: The source is uploaded to YouTube for Education Purposes only. The debate is occurring at a scientific conference. 

Home Computer Revolution (1981)
Author: Apple

Host: YouTube

Source: Current

Author Credibility: The source is credible because it is a flash back to the past of an Apple advertisement for computers made by Apple themselves.

Target Audience: The target audience of this advertisement is those with a need for a personal home computer in the 1980's.

Sources Main Purpose: The main purpose of this source is to convince viewers to go out and purchase an Apple home computer.

Contextual Details: One important detail of the video is the narrator saying that for the first time computers can be used in home with a screen and at an affordable rate. Another important detail is that the video includes an interview with Steve Jobs, one of the important innovators of home computers with his company Apple Inc.

The Wonderful and Terrifying Implications of Computers than can learn
Author: Jeremy Howard

Host: TEDxBrussels

Source: TED Talks

Author Credibility: Jeremy Howard is the CEO of Enlitic, an advanced machine learning company. Howard is a data scientist, which gives him huge credibility for talking on how computers can learn.

Target Audience: The target audience is the general public that want to learn and go to TED Talks in order to learn more and expand their mind.

Sources Main Purpose: The main purpose of this source is to inform people on the future of self learning computers.

Contextual Details: Some important details from this video is that computers now have the ability to teach themselves languages like Chinese and also the ability to recognize individual objects within photos. 

Connected, but alone?



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The Cultural Impact of Computer Technology



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Man-Computer Symbiosis



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This Computer Will Grow Your Food in the Future



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The New Bionics that let us Run, Climb, and Dance



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Meet the Robots for Humanity



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Dependence on Computer Games by Adolescents



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  1. Hey Nick!
    Your resource list is fantastic and full of really solid resources. Here's a link to my review of this post, I tried to provide a few suggestions that may help you in your search for resources:

  2. Hey Nick, here are a few comments for you regarding your research report.

    First, I really enjoyed how concise you were regarding each source. You could make it easily understandable what each stakeholder/provider brought to the table. However, in my opinion, and I bet you know too, a few more sources wouldn't hurt. I couldn't help but notice the empty sources, but those will fill in over time.

    Each individual source looks credible However, you did include two sources from YouTube, which is an indicator that there might be bias towards pro-computer arguments because YouTube is a computer-only platform, with no "print" version.

    Overall, good start, try to crank out more though.
