Sunday, April 3, 2016

Peer Review for Elizabeth Hernandez

Reviewing, Reviewing, Reviewing

Here you can find the Rhetorical Analysis for Elizabeth Hernandez

Activity 1: Make a brainstorming suggestion

From reading over your outline, it seems that you have an extensive knowledge of interracial couples in the media and this is a topic that you very much believe in. Overall the outline is very detailed, includes accurate sources, and well done! Your topic of bringing non-white interracial couples is a very interesting topic but may be very detailed and complex as this is an issue since the beginning of man. In order to make a better argument I feel that your rhetorical analysis should have all the reasons why media should not include interracial couples that are non-white. From doing this you will have a sound argument that can address both sides of the argument and then develop sound counterpoints. I would find sources that also address the other side of the argument to help you develop more counterarguments. In all this is a great outline and it sounds like you are really invested in the topic, which means you can create a better project.

Great Work!

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