Sunday, April 17, 2016

Reflection on Global Revision Process

Getting Ready to Package it up and Send it in

Some major successes for this week's production work is that I pretty have a plan set up for the final of my video essay. After this week of production I should be able to refine my rough draft of my video essay and my script in order to convey my full argument into the video. An example of this during this week is the revision process where I realized that I had to add a counterargument in order to create a fully developed argument.

Some major challenges that I faced during this week's process work is that I had absolutely no idea how to create a video let alone a video essay. I had to first figure out how I would create a video and then find videos the utilize within my video. Once getting these videos I had to be very creative and put them together into an entire video which proved to be challenging. Overall the creativity proved to be the hardest aspect of this week's production and also creating a video essay as a whole.

Next week I believe that my experience will go very well and that I will easily put together a complete video that I will be proud to turn in. I am feeling very confident about the project that we are ending the near of it and I will be able to move on the the next project as the ending of school nears.

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