Sunday, April 3, 2016

Production Schedule

Doing work on the daily at all hours

Production Schedule:

What is to be done: 

During production I will need to prepare myself first for making a video essay. I will have to gather a large amount of different video clips in order to give myself something to edit with. Another thing I will have to do is obtain Sony Vegas Pro so I can properly edit my video essay to where it does not look rushed and mediocre. Then I need to make a script for the video essay. This script will be my main guide for the video and also include the words that will be on the screen. 

Location: All of this work will be done in my dorm room because I have my desktop computer with two monitors to aid me in multitasking and a better keyboard. 

Planned Date & Time: I plan to spend 3-4 hours each day on Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday At this point I should have the blogwork done.

Resources Required: Myself, Desktop computer, internet

Date Completed: Sunday will be the date completed for the production phase

Changes made after completions: I have yet to make any changes because I have not yet completed the production phase. 

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