Sunday, April 10, 2016

Production Report 11b

Doing the second part of being it together

Outline Item:

Body Section 1

Main Idea: Humans are not too dependent on computers in their lives
Evidence 1: Technology is a necessity for our lives, File Keeping, Medicine, Daily Tasks
Evidence 2: Computers are an invention of humans for the betterment of their lives
Evidence 3: Computers make humans lives easier and more convenient
Evidence Proof: This evidence proves that computers are not a detriment to our lives. We made computers to better our lives and if we were to get rid of our computers the overall quality of life would be less. Tasks such as file keeping and medicine improve our lives everyday and aid in giving us longer lives. Computers being invented by humans means they are tailored for humans and will help us greatly. With an easier and more convenient life, we can use our time to do greater things and continually better the world.
Importance: These pieces of evidence are very important because they are all very practical things within our lives. Humans strive for the bettering of their lives and live for simplicity.

Adaptation of Outline Item

This will be the main part of my video essay. This part of the video will come right after I ask the audience questions in the intro. These questions will serve to make the audience think about their stance on this issue. I will then go into the argument that humans are not too dependent on computers in their lives. I will begin this by stating that technology is a necessity for our lives. From this I will show many different uses of technology that we depend on in society in order to live a better life. These videos will include file keeping such as medical records and then will show stock footage of file keeping on computers and then will show massive file cabinets that would have to be sorted through by hand. Then I will show people using search functions to find files quickly. Next I will show technology doing tasks that people usually do not think of such as the computers in cars that keep us safe like blind side technology and computers that avoid collisions. After this my video will go into how computers make humans live easier and more convient and show all of the amazing inventions that improve quality of life.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Nick!
    I got a good sense of what you want your video essay to look like after reading this adaptation of the content outline. Here are a few suggestions that I have.
    First of all, your argument is computers are important, right? Because when I first read this, I read humans are not too dependent in the adaptation and got the sense that that was your argument, but I now see you are countering that argument. Just make sure that is clear to the audience. Also, it might be helpful in this adaptation to include where this information is coming from and if you have any statistics, to use them so you build your credibility. Another suggestion, if you want to stress the importance of computers in improving quality of life, maybe include how computers have improved medicine in addition to file storage, but that's your call on content.
    Other than those suggestions, your evidence is organized and your argument is clear and I can see where you want to take the project. I also like how you have the conventions of the genre included in this adaption. Keep up the good work!
