Sunday, April 17, 2016

Editorial Report 12A

Ever so slightly changing my content

For this editorial report I want to describe the first part of the video that I have created. For the introduction of my video I included a news report on home computers from the 1980's talking about Apple, Steve Jobs, and the first home computer. I believe that this news introduction is a great way to start my video essay as it shows how far computers have come since they first started being purchased for home use and leisure. After this I will go a title screen that has stock footage of people using current day computers in a computer lab with captions and titles superimposed over the video to give the argument and the introduction to the problem.

I plan to change this by adding music into the entire starting scene. I feel that music will set the mood and I can continue to play music throughout the entire video to give something to listen to that at the same time will not take away from the video. Another change that I am thinking about doing is to create an actual title screen for the video after the introduction or after the stock footage of people on computers in the computer lab to give a physical transition from introducing the argument to actually arguing the argument.

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