Friday, April 29, 2016

Production Schedule

When Will I Get This Stuff Done?!?!?

What is to Be Done:

For my production next week I need to do the following things:
  •  Find examples of blogs to link in my QRG
  • Take photos for my QRG that students can relate too 
  • Begin to put the QRG together
  • Find evidence of time management
  • Find evidence of adapting to new technology
  • Find evidence of being put in unfamiliar situations 
Location: My dorm on my dual monitor desktop setup

Planned Date & Time: This Sunday - Friday an hour each day

Resources Required: My Computer

Date Completed: TBA

Changes Made After Completion: Have not completed yet

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Content Outline

Planning out the Final Project

Opening Section: Introduction to my writing process and how I have grown through the class through my three previous projects. I am going to touch on my skills in time management, learning new technology, and adapting to unfamiliar situations.

Main Body Section: Time Management

Through this semester my time management skills have increased exponentially. My time management varied for every week of the blog work. Blogs took up nearly all my time for this course and were a large part of the course-load. I was very inconsistent for time management. One week I would sit down and crank out a ton of blogs as early as Tuesday of the week and then having nothing to do for the rest of the week. On another week I would tell myself that I would get all of the blogs done early but would instead spend massive amounts of time staring at a blank blog early in the week and procrastinate it all the way until Sunday. Other times I would maybe get 1/4th of the blogs done early in the week and left with a slightly smaller load when Sunday came around. On the worst of the time management weeks I would procrastinate the blogs completely and leave them all for Sunday to do from when I woke up all the way to the deadline of midnight that day. On Super Bowl Sunday I spent the entire day doing blog work while the game played off to the side and I only caught glimpses of the game and the famous commercials that played throughout. In all, time management was one of the hardest aspects of the course and if it was not done well through the semester it could possible end to a snowball effect of not getting any of the blog work done. I will also show examples of blogs where I managed my time effectively and examples of blogs where I may have been rushed and ran out of time to complete the blog to the quality that I would have liked. 

Main Body Section: Learning New Technology

For this class I had to work in two different mediums that I had never experienced in my academic career and these were a podcast and a video essay. My very first project was a podcast and I had no idea what to do at the start. Luckily I am very familiar with technology and a quick learner as I worked in the Geek Squad fixing computers throughout most of high school. I found the program audacity was on of the most popular programs and downloaded it then played around. After messing around with the program for a little bit I was able to make a podcast easily. Then I already had a quality microphone to create the project and made a podcast that I am very proud of. 

The next struggle when it came to learning new technology was the video essay. I have never created a video essay in my life and had no idea where to begin. I spent so much time struggling with the mental barrier that was the daunting task of having to create a video essay. I had not the slightest idea what program I would use to edit my video, where I would get my video clips from, where I would get audio from, and what content I would create in my video. When it comes to creating videos I am one of the least creative people that I have ever met. After overcoming the fear of creating a video however I was able to work my way through it and figure out how to successfully create a video essay.

Main Body Section: Adapting to Unfamiliar Situations

This class brought me into many unfamiliar situations that I was not ready for. The main and first unfamiliar situation that I faced was Google Blogger. I had never blogged a day in my life and had absolutely no idea where to begin. The idea of creating blogs for my content seemed so vague to me and I did not know what or how much information to include. I struggled with how long my blogs should be, how they should be structured, and how well the writing needed to be for them. At first in the blogs I was writing at the highest quality as if I were writing an academic essay every time I made a blog. I had no idea how to put a picture in, how to cite it, how to make a good title for a blog, how to have a sentence that pulled the audience it. It was all so foreign to me but I had to figure out a way. Overtime the blogs became easier and I got into a good rhythm when making them.

Another unfamiliar situations was the tasks for the blogs. One specific example was finding the academic journal when I had never been in the library due to study rooms and had never looked at any upper level academic journals before. 

Closing: Explaining a Large Significance 

My conclusion will tie all these concepts together to show a struggle that everyone can relate with. All of these different topics combine to create the biggest hardships that I had with this class. The conclusion will also relate with the audience that all the blogs and projects are nearly over and we can be proud of the work that we have completed.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Editorial Report 13a

Finalizing my rough and revised versions

For this editorial report I decided to focus on all the text of my video. Through the video I have captions, subtitles, and credits that are texts superimposed on the screen. At first the text was just completely white and on the screen.

To change this I went through so many different possible options of texts. I changed the fonts, colors, size, outline size, and outline color in order to find something that I could read easily through the video. I ended up with white text, medium sized outline, black outline, and bolded the text as well, which ended up with a text that is very easy and reasonable for the eye to read when in front of various videos.

Editorial Report 13b

Editing the Final Parts of my Project

For my final editorial report I decided to focus on the music of my video. Previously, I had music that was very fast and seemed to rush the video. This music also only extended through the song for about 30 seconds and then quickly transitioned to another 30 second song.

To change this I went online and found a subtle 3 minute song that I believe does not take attention away from the video but at the same time provides slight entertainment for the viewer. After making this song choice I believe the the video has benefitted greatly because it gives the viewer a good feeling and puts them in a better mood. After hearing this music, it will make the viewer more likely to agree with the argument because they are in a lighter mood.

Reflection on Local Revision Process

The Final Reflection and The End of My Project

Some of the major successes that I experienced during this week's process work is the creation and finalization of my video essay. During this week I was able to create a large majority of my video as previously I did extensive planning for the creation of the video. Some things that went right were putting the video together, adding music, and creating a work that I was proud to turn in at the end of the day.

Some major challenges that I faced during this week's process work was creating a video. I have never made a video in my life and had no idea how to start the process of creating a video. I first had to decide how I would begin the video, something I had no idea what do do for. Then I had to find content to include into my video. Finally I had to put this all together with animations and music to look like a professionally made video.

Next week I will begin the last and final project and I believe it will go very well.

Overall I am feeling very happy about this project at this point.

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Revised Post to Peer Reviewers

The Finale

I was expecting my post-production process to be hefty amount of work and the time where I put the most work into my video essay because I did not create the best rough draft and planned to get the kinks out of my project as well as make most of the video because I spent most of my draft time creating scripts and a plan for the entire video in order to create a flowing video that properly creates an argument and addresses the opposite argument in a professional way to get the idea across to people on either side of the argument.


Peer Review for PJ Noghrehchi

Final Peer Review Before the End

PJ's Essay can be found HERE

Activity 5: Make a Content Suggestion

Overall, PJ has written a very strong essay with a clear and concise argument regarding the banning of elicit serenades to sororities on the University of Arizona. PJ successfully adds a personal sentiment by explain his membership in a fraternity here at Arizona. Then he gives a personal anecdote of when the news was released that fraternities could no longer serenade in the manner that they had been doing previously. After this PJ gives statements from both sides of the argument as to why serenades were banned and then gives arguments as to why we should keep having the same type of serenades that were occurring on campus. One suggestion that I could make is to find another party to get input from that is not fraternities or sororities to get a feeling for how the general population feels about this issue.

Peer Review for Jake Gyles

I am going to help you get an A, young one

Jake's essay can be found HERE.

Making a Content Suggestion:

Overall, Jake has written a very strong essay. In his essay, Jake is arguing that school lunches are the better option for children currently attending school that still serves lunch in a cafeteria. When reading Jake's paper, I did notice that often the brevity of his paragraphs hurt his argument because the paper seemed to jump very quickly from one argument to another without expanding on the facts that he would cite. I believe that Jake needs to expand more on the arguments that he gives. An example of this is his vegan option argument, which I believe neither hurts or helps his argument, it just makes the reader confused because being vegan is such a small percentage of kids in elementary or high school that it does not really make an impact on the argument of bringing a packed lunch to school. Also for his personal statement I believe that Jake generalized lunches from home based off of the lunches that his parents packed for him when he was in school when in reality a packed lunch could be nearly everything and depends on what the parent decided to include.

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Reflection on Global Revision Process

Getting Ready to Package it up and Send it in

Some major successes for this week's production work is that I pretty have a plan set up for the final of my video essay. After this week of production I should be able to refine my rough draft of my video essay and my script in order to convey my full argument into the video. An example of this during this week is the revision process where I realized that I had to add a counterargument in order to create a fully developed argument.

Some major challenges that I faced during this week's process work is that I had absolutely no idea how to create a video let alone a video essay. I had to first figure out how I would create a video and then find videos the utilize within my video. Once getting these videos I had to be very creative and put them together into an entire video which proved to be challenging. Overall the creativity proved to be the hardest aspect of this week's production and also creating a video essay as a whole.

Next week I believe that my experience will go very well and that I will easily put together a complete video that I will be proud to turn in. I am feeling very confident about the project that we are ending the near of it and I will be able to move on the the next project as the ending of school nears.

Open Post to Peer Reviewers

The Honest Truth to Peer Reviewers

This was a rough week of production when it came to my project. I am doing a video essay and I spent hours sitting stressing and wonder how in the world I was going to be able to make a video. I wrote a script for my video essay but I do not have a working link of my video yet because I have not finished it. I do however believe that I will be very successful in making my project next week and can bring the strengths from my other blogs to this video to make a solid argument and a video essay that successfully follows all of the genres of a video essay. 

Editorial Report 12B

Making a Video is Hard...

The next part of my video that I want to include on this editorial report is the counter argument within my video. While I make the argument that humans are not too dependent on computers I am going to show footage of current innovations and inventions that are only possible by computers to show people the life they would be living if they did not have computers in their lives.

Editorial Report 12A

Ever so slightly changing my content

For this editorial report I want to describe the first part of the video that I have created. For the introduction of my video I included a news report on home computers from the 1980's talking about Apple, Steve Jobs, and the first home computer. I believe that this news introduction is a great way to start my video essay as it shows how far computers have come since they first started being purchased for home use and leisure. After this I will go a title screen that has stock footage of people using current day computers in a computer lab with captions and titles superimposed over the video to give the argument and the introduction to the problem.

I plan to change this by adding music into the entire starting scene. I feel that music will set the mood and I can continue to play music throughout the entire video to give something to listen to that at the same time will not take away from the video. Another change that I am thinking about doing is to create an actual title screen for the video after the introduction or after the stock footage of people on computers in the computer lab to give a physical transition from introducing the argument to actually arguing the argument.

Peer Review for Jake Gyles

Jake needs the A so I am here to help

The content for Jake's project can be found HERE.

Activity 5: Making a Content Suggestion

Your introduction is very good but I believe that it may be too personal for this type of project. I would focus on more statements that can be considered factual rather than personal statements because people may read them and take them as purely opinion. The introduction should be less of a personal statement, 

Peer Review for Malik Bullock

Helping him get the A

Malik's Rough Draft can be found HERE

Activity 5: Make a content Suggestion

After reading over your script for your video essay I believe that you are off to a very good start. The first thing that I noticed that I would change in your script would be the first person perspective that you take in the very beginning. You state that you are saying this or that you believe this, I believe that making the video essay first person you lower the credibility of the content because people will instantly be turned off listening to the "opinion" of an undergraduate student. Instead, I would say everything that you say without the "I". State everything as if it were a fact so people can easily believe the things that you are saying and better understand your argument. Rather than stating your opinion, you can state it as a fact and then give evidence for those points, making your points even more credible.

Another thing that I would do in your video essay is include interviews and videos about minimum wage or even news articles that you can talk over to show how relevant of a topic this is within our current world. 

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Production Report 11b

Doing the second part of being it together

Outline Item:

Body Section 1

Main Idea: Humans are not too dependent on computers in their lives
Evidence 1: Technology is a necessity for our lives, File Keeping, Medicine, Daily Tasks
Evidence 2: Computers are an invention of humans for the betterment of their lives
Evidence 3: Computers make humans lives easier and more convenient
Evidence Proof: This evidence proves that computers are not a detriment to our lives. We made computers to better our lives and if we were to get rid of our computers the overall quality of life would be less. Tasks such as file keeping and medicine improve our lives everyday and aid in giving us longer lives. Computers being invented by humans means they are tailored for humans and will help us greatly. With an easier and more convenient life, we can use our time to do greater things and continually better the world.
Importance: These pieces of evidence are very important because they are all very practical things within our lives. Humans strive for the bettering of their lives and live for simplicity.

Adaptation of Outline Item

This will be the main part of my video essay. This part of the video will come right after I ask the audience questions in the intro. These questions will serve to make the audience think about their stance on this issue. I will then go into the argument that humans are not too dependent on computers in their lives. I will begin this by stating that technology is a necessity for our lives. From this I will show many different uses of technology that we depend on in society in order to live a better life. These videos will include file keeping such as medical records and then will show stock footage of file keeping on computers and then will show massive file cabinets that would have to be sorted through by hand. Then I will show people using search functions to find files quickly. Next I will show technology doing tasks that people usually do not think of such as the computers in cars that keep us safe like blind side technology and computers that avoid collisions. After this my video will go into how computers make humans live easier and more convient and show all of the amazing inventions that improve quality of life.

Production Report 11a

Laying the Foundation

Outline Section:

Opening Section

Are humans too dependent on computers in their lives?
Introduce both sides of the argument that computers are necessary and that we are too dependent on computers
Ideas that will pull the readers attention are mentioning computer items that they use daily. Also another idea that will pull the readers attention is reflecting to the past before computers.

Adaptation of Outline Item

Here I will begin with introducing the argument in a non bias manner. I will simply state the question and not state my stance on the argument. Within this I will include videos of professionals talking at TED talks to increase my credibility. By showing people giving speeches in front of an audience, the viewer will believe my points because it seems as if these topics are being talked about by these professionals and not just through the eyes of a college freshman. Next I will give short clips of technology in our society like people using computers and everyone being on their cellphones. Additionally I will show computers and other technology to emphasize the size of the industrial plants that create all of this technology. Finally I will end this section by asking the viewers questions that will set them up for the rest of the argument. 

Peer Review for Alex Eulano

Coming Together to Help Those in Need

Activity 5: Make a Content Suggestion

HERE is the Link to Alex Eulano's Production Report 

Reading the adaptation of the outline item for production report 11b I think you've done a very good job and are off to a great start. One main suggestion that I would include for your content is to include facts rather than a section that is "my honest opinion" because this is supposed to be a public argument and not include any first person statements. By saying that it is your honest opinion it devalues the credibility of the project due to you having low credibility being just an undergraduate student. Another suggestion that I would give to you is to include information that you can cite and then cite this information in your project. The second part of this adaptation would be to get rid of assumptions such as saying that the whole world would be livid because this is not an argument but just an assumption.

Peer Review for Ben Macklin

Peer Review: Better our friends around us

LINK to Ben Backlin's Production Report

Activity 5: Make a Content Suggestion 

Your rough cut in the production report is a good start but seems very broad and rushed. I would try to be more specific in your introduction and when you make the video essay I would be sure to include the argument and position on your topic in an interesting manner. One major content suggestion that I would give to you is to is to find images and videos through the internet in order to improve your project. You said you will provide pictures to help immerse the audience which is an amazing start. One major thing I would add that you did not mention is subtitles or words to help guide the audience through your arguments and keep them focused on the screen through reading because if you only have pictures and videos they often will wander off. 

Reflection on Production

How did I do?

Some major successes that occurred with week were developing the part of my project for the first two parts of my outline, the introduction and the first major argument. Overall I believe that I am off to a great start when it comes to my project and I will have a suitable rough draft when next Sunday comes around. Some evidence of my successes for this week are production report 11a and production report 11b, which are the main first parts of my projects.

Some challenges I faced this week were figuring out how to make a video and brainstorming how I was going to make my video along with what I was going to put in the video. I have little to no experience making videos and had to torrent Sony Vegas Pro in order to create a quality video for this project. It was a struggle for me to think of the content to put in the video as I do not have one of the most visually creative minds.

Next week I think will be a struggle as it is when I will have to do the most work because I will have to create the rest of my draft. Based on my experiences this week I am finally starting to stress less on my blog work.

Overall I am feeling very happy about this project because it is a topic that I actually enjpy and a project that I can actually create a work that I am proud of.

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Reflection on Pre-Production

How did I do this work?

Some major successes during this week's process work were creating the rhetorical analysis, a content outline, and doing the research report. The rhetorical analysis is where I was finally able to organize all of my ideas for this project into one place and I will be able to look back on to it in order to guide my project.

Some main challenges that I experienced during this week's process work was the amount of work that all these blogs required. Making a rhetorical analysis, research report, and content outline can be very draining and is not something that should be procrastinated. Another challenge I had was staying focused on the blogs while doing the research report.

I think next week will go much better because I have set aside time each day to work on my blogs rather than save the entire workload for the weekend.

Overall I am feeling very confident about this project because I am very interested in the topic.

Production Schedule

Doing work on the daily at all hours

Production Schedule:

What is to be done: 

During production I will need to prepare myself first for making a video essay. I will have to gather a large amount of different video clips in order to give myself something to edit with. Another thing I will have to do is obtain Sony Vegas Pro so I can properly edit my video essay to where it does not look rushed and mediocre. Then I need to make a script for the video essay. This script will be my main guide for the video and also include the words that will be on the screen. 

Location: All of this work will be done in my dorm room because I have my desktop computer with two monitors to aid me in multitasking and a better keyboard. 

Planned Date & Time: I plan to spend 3-4 hours each day on Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday At this point I should have the blogwork done.

Resources Required: Myself, Desktop computer, internet

Date Completed: Sunday will be the date completed for the production phase

Changes made after completions: I have yet to make any changes because I have not yet completed the production phase. 

Peer Review for Elizabeth Hernandez

Reviewing, Reviewing, Reviewing

Here you can find the Rhetorical Analysis for Elizabeth Hernandez

Activity 1: Make a brainstorming suggestion

From reading over your outline, it seems that you have an extensive knowledge of interracial couples in the media and this is a topic that you very much believe in. Overall the outline is very detailed, includes accurate sources, and well done! Your topic of bringing non-white interracial couples is a very interesting topic but may be very detailed and complex as this is an issue since the beginning of man. In order to make a better argument I feel that your rhetorical analysis should have all the reasons why media should not include interracial couples that are non-white. From doing this you will have a sound argument that can address both sides of the argument and then develop sound counterpoints. I would find sources that also address the other side of the argument to help you develop more counterarguments. In all this is a great outline and it sounds like you are really invested in the topic, which means you can create a better project.

Great Work!

Peer Review for Brady Thomas

Bettering Other's Work

Here is the Content Outline for Brady Thomas

Activity 3: Making an Outlining Suggestion

Overall I believe this outline is a very good start for project 3. The outline does however seem shortened and rushed. One good thing that you did on the outline was organize your sources in each body. One thing I would include in the outline is an argument against cyber security.

I was also slightly confused in the outline as to what your public argument is, that cyber security is important? I would try to develop a concrete argument because I feel like saying cybersecurity is important is something that maybe can be very difficult to argue because it is pretty much certain that cyber security is a necessity. In order to create a better project I would find a specific argument within the field of cybersecurity that can be argued like encryption. 

Content Outline

Making a Road Map

Opening Section

  • Are humans too dependent on computers in their lives? 
  • Introduce both sides of the argument that computers are necessary and that we are too dependent on computers
  • Ideas that will pull the readers attention are mentioning computer items that they use daily. Also another idea that will pull the readers attention is reflecting to the past before computers.

Body Section 1

  • Main Idea: Humans are not too dependent on computers in their lives
  • Evidence 1: Technology is a necessity for our lives, File Keeping, Medicine, Daily Tasks
  • Evidence 2: Computers are an invention of humans for the betterment of their lives
  • Evidence 3: Computers make humans lives easier and more convenient 
  • Evidence Proof: This evidence proves that computers are not a detriment to our lives. We made computers to better our lives and if we were to get rid of our computers the overall quality of life would be less. Tasks such as file keeping and medicine improve our lives everyday and aid in giving us longer lives. Computers being invented by humans means they are tailored for humans and will help us greatly. With an easier and more convenient life, we can use our time to do greater things and continually better the world. 
  • Importance: These pieces of evidence are very important because they are all very practical things within our lives. Humans strive for the bettering of their lives and live for simplicity. 

Body Section 2

  • Main Idea: Humans are too dependent on computers in their lives. 
  • Evidence 1: Humans did not need computers for the majority of our existence
  • Evidence 2: Computers are taking away from social experience and limiting social skills 
  • Evidence 3: Computers are taking away jobs from people and we will get to the point where humans cannot even do these jobs themselves if they needed to
  • Evidence Proof: This evidence proves that computers are not e necessity in life but instead taking away from reality. Humans are losing their skills that they worked so hard to develop like craftsmanship. At the end of the day our faces in computers will be detrimental to our development as a race. 

Research Report

Gathering all the necessary information

Debate on Human Progress
Author: Steven Pinker

Host: Munk Debates

Source: YouTube

Author Credibility: Professor at Harvard University in the College of Psychology
He has won awards from the American Psychological Association, the National Academy of Sciences, the Royal Institution, the Cognitive Neuroscience Society and the American Humanist Association.

Target Audience: The target audience for this source are those within the field of psychology and also those interested in psychology extensively. The source is a debate between psychologist.

Sources Main Purpose: The main purpose of this source is a debate on human progress regarding the mind and how we are influenced by our own inventions (Computers)

Contextual Details: The source is uploaded to YouTube for Education Purposes only. The debate is occurring at a scientific conference. 

Home Computer Revolution (1981)
Author: Apple

Host: YouTube

Source: Current

Author Credibility: The source is credible because it is a flash back to the past of an Apple advertisement for computers made by Apple themselves.

Target Audience: The target audience of this advertisement is those with a need for a personal home computer in the 1980's.

Sources Main Purpose: The main purpose of this source is to convince viewers to go out and purchase an Apple home computer.

Contextual Details: One important detail of the video is the narrator saying that for the first time computers can be used in home with a screen and at an affordable rate. Another important detail is that the video includes an interview with Steve Jobs, one of the important innovators of home computers with his company Apple Inc.

The Wonderful and Terrifying Implications of Computers than can learn
Author: Jeremy Howard

Host: TEDxBrussels

Source: TED Talks

Author Credibility: Jeremy Howard is the CEO of Enlitic, an advanced machine learning company. Howard is a data scientist, which gives him huge credibility for talking on how computers can learn.

Target Audience: The target audience is the general public that want to learn and go to TED Talks in order to learn more and expand their mind.

Sources Main Purpose: The main purpose of this source is to inform people on the future of self learning computers.

Contextual Details: Some important details from this video is that computers now have the ability to teach themselves languages like Chinese and also the ability to recognize individual objects within photos. 

Connected, but alone?



Author Credibility:

Target Audience:

Sources Main Purpose:

Contextual Details:

The Cultural Impact of Computer Technology



Author Credibility:

Target Audience:

Sources Main Purpose:

Contextual Details:

Man-Computer Symbiosis



Author Credibility:

Target Audience:

Sources Main Purpose:

Contextual Details:

This Computer Will Grow Your Food in the Future



Author Credibility:

Target Audience:

Sources Main Purpose:

Contextual Details:

The New Bionics that let us Run, Climb, and Dance



Author Credibility:

Target Audience:

Sources Main Purpose:

Contextual Details:

Meet the Robots for Humanity



Author Credibility:

Target Audience:

Sources Main Purpose:

Contextual Details:

Dependence on Computer Games by Adolescents



Author Credibility:

Target Audience:

Sources Main Purpose:

Contextual Details:

Rhetorical Analysis of Project 3

The Foundation of my Work

Are we too Dependent on Computers?


1. I will draw from many different aspects in order to create a full idea and support for the public argument. The main aspect that I will pull from will be my own personal experience. I worked for the Geek Squad through high school, which provides computer support, advice, and assistance inside of Best Buy stores across the country. At this job I worked with computers daily and also had an opportunity to see how others interacted and felt about their own personal computers. 

Another aspect that I will pull from will by my own general research interests. Computers and technology has always been a very large hobby of mine from the day I had my first computer running Windows 98. Since then I have built numerous computers, gotten into coding, and spend my free time reading articles around the hobby and pursuing my interests. Through this knowledge and excitement I can understand why people enjoy computers so much and can also contrast this with how dependent humans are on computers. 

2. I have many preconceptions regarding the idea whether humans are too dependent on computers in our current society. I used computers and phones a massive amounts of time every single day. I feel that I am too dependent on computers even though I still use them nonstop. One preconception that I have is that humans spend too much time on computers but it can also be seen in a positive light depending on what activities they are doing on computers. One could be enriching their mind with knowledge on a computer or they could be wasting time reading about cats.


The main audience that I have in mind is America's youth and those relatively young in life. These are people ranging from little kids around the ages of five and over all the way to those in their thirties. The reason that I am choosing this audience is because these people are the largest consumers of technology and computers. They also are the creators of content on the internet and the designers of our future computers. 

One main belief or assumption that this audience probably already holds is that computers are a necessity for everyday life. These people have never lived without a computer in their household if they are younger than around 18. This audience has never experienced not having a computer or access to the internet to be able to research everything that pops into their mind. The position that I am likely going to take on this issue is that humans are too dependent on computers but it is not harmful to our lives. Most of the audience will agree that computers do not take up too much of our lives.

A specific group of people that fall within the definition of "target audience" for my public argument is college students. They fall within this audience because they consume technology the most out of many different age groups whether it be phones or laptops. I will convince them from my perspective by providing facts and realizations that they can relate to.


I want to give people an understanding of how much they use technology in their lives everyday, I want it to leave people rethinking picking up their phone at the dinner table or while sitting in their rooms and realize how often they turn to technology as an aid for certain situations. I want my audience to consider how often they spend texting and consider all the time they spend reading articles on Facebook. Once the audience takes the time to consider this, they can make an educated decision regarding their time spent on computers and how often they turn to computers and phones in order to better their lives or make them feel better about themselves. 

Once I've done all my research and gathered concrete evidence I still have a great amount of things to be accomplished. The concept that people are consumed by computers and that most cannot live without them needs to be pointed out to the people talking about this issue to bring the sources full circle and create a complete argument. The perspectives on the issue that would still need to be explained is the perspective that computers are a necessity in our current day and without computers and the dependency on computers, society would not be the same. The persons that still need to be heard from are the creators and workers for these computer and phone companies that are innovating peoples lives through their products. Finally, more information that needs to still be gathered is statistics regarding computer and phone usage for the average American in different age groups.



The course genre I will be writing in for project 3 will be a video essay.

The kinds of genre expectations that come along with this genre are video clips with a voice over explaining the argument on the screen and text to follow along. The video essay will also include sound affects. The audience expects to be able to watch, listen, and be guided through the video almost painlessly. 

My history working on video essays is making videos for classes in high school and also having a large amount of experience with Sony Vegas.

My comfort level and general feelings about video essays are very good. I feel that I can create a great video regarding this public argument. Also I will be able to integrate many videos since the project is on humans consumption of computers. 

The two most effective conventions in this genre are voice overs reading information off and also text on the screen for the viewer to read. I believe these two work together to keep the attention of the audience, causing them to actually take in the information. 


Major historical events that might impact how my audience perceives my argument is the innovation of computers in the recent past and also the wide spread of the internet across the world, connecting people with information that they previously would never experience. The biggest events that I need to include are January 21, 1986, the first time computers were in the USA and August 6, 1991, the release of the World Wide Web. 

Computers make the world a better place
Computers are necessary for nearly everything in our lives
Computers increase the quality of life for humans
We need computers to store and share data