Friday, February 5, 2016

Analysis of My Rhetorical Situation

The Rhetorical Situation

The foundation to strong, organized, audience-focused writing.

Unsplash. "Audience". 5/17/2015 via pixabay.
My audience for the topic of the Greek financial crisis and the 2nd Greek Bailout by the European Union includes many possible parties. The main audience to this topic will be those with a primary interest and involvement with the European Union and the economy of Greece. This category includes all those living in the EU with an interest in their government issues and those living in Greece with a concern for the future well-being of their home. My audience also includes those interested in global economics and government operations withing Europe.

It is possible to assume that the audience of this topic are involved in government policy or economics in one way or another. This audience group nourishes their minds with newspapers such as New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and the Economist. If they reside in Europe they most likely read European Union Times, EU Business, and even New Europe. Evidently, the demographics of this audience are fiscally conservative males who have a career or are a stakeholder within this topic. I may be able to assume that broadly, my audience is mainly interested in the European Union's interest and not the best interests of Greece because it is unlikely the audience lives in Greece due to the massive population that exists outside of Greece.  Overall, the audience probably values money and wealth while not valuing the well-being of the bottom class citizens residing in Greece.

My primary purpose is to effectively explain every aspect and perspective of the controversy to my audience. My primary goal for my audience is to explain the controversy in a manner through which they can create their own opinion on the topic after my presentation that fits their beliefs and viewpoints. Additionally, if the topic is not explained thoroughly enough, the audience may miss out on important elements of the controversy such as the parties involved and how each party benefits and is hurt from the situation. If not properly explained the audience can develop a bias towards the Greek government or the European Union and then they will be ill-informed. I want to ensure that the audience knows the ins and outs of the primary stakeholders such as citizens in the EU, citizens of Greece, Greek government, and the European Union. Without providing the complete information on all the stakeholders, I would be doing a disservice to my audience. The audience should also know how Greece came to the position of extreme debt and being required to ask for financial assistance in the first place. By understanding the background, the audience can then create a better picture of the event as a whole. Finally, it is essential that the audience understand the European Union and how they function as a cohesive unit day in and day out in our modern 21st century society that is faced with problems never seen by generations predating us.

I am Nick Hernandez. I am the author of this work and my job is to explain the controversy of the Greek economic crisis. I bring a passion and interest of finance and politics like no others. I constantly am reading news articles on both the internet and on classic ink and paper. The topic of the Greek financial crisis reflects my passions through global awareness of politics and fiscal policies of governments and establishments of the European Union. The final thing that I bring which makes me the perfect fit is extreme excitement in learning and completely understand the topic first and then being able to share this knowledge to those with the same craving.

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