Sunday, January 31, 2016

Considering Genre

Greece Financial Crisis 

Turmoil within Greece and the European Union 

1. I decided to commit to the genre of a podcast because from experience I enjoy listening to a controversy being discussed over audio as it gives me something interesting to listen to. 

2. Some conventions of a podcasts that I plan to develop during my production phase is the audio, transitions, and music. I plan to find transitions and music that work with the topic and the mood of the topic. I also intend to research and find the proper way to record the audio of a podcast. I plan to use all these conventions to pull people into my podcast and keep them interested the entire way through.

3. I am feeling confident about Project 1 going into the production phase. I am also very excited to be able to create my own podcast along with editing. The biggest challenge I anticipate I will face is recording my voice and being satisfied with the recordings of my voice along with my tone and word choice. 

Ridgeway, Steven. "Adobe Connect Webinar and Podcast Setting" via Wikipedia Commons

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