Sunday, January 31, 2016

Evaluation of General Sources

Financial Assistance to Greece 

Economic bailouts to Greece since 2010 from the Euro states and the IMF. 

The URL of this source is a ".eu".This means that it is a government website that is controlled by the European Union. This is a credible source because the EU was a direct party involved in the controversy. 

The page was last updated January 6th, 2016. This means that the article is completely up to date and all the links are in working condition.

The purpose of this site is trying to explain the current state of Greece after the financial assistance, inform citizens why money was given to Greece, then provide evidence that the money was necessary and impactful.

There are no graphics on the page but many documents included for someone to review.

The position taken by the EU is that their efforts were necessary and did indeed work in rebuilding the economy of Greece.

The source provided many links to the government documents that were apart of the financial crisis and all the documentation during the government process.

"With Details Settled, a 2nd Greek Bailout Is Formally Approved" -NY Times
The URL of this source is a ".com". This means that source has the chance of not being credible. However, in the manner that I would be using it, I can claim that it is the reporting of the news during the relevant period from a credit news company.
The page was last updated on the date of publishing, March 2012, but this is not relevant since it occurred during the event. The New York Times takes a relatively neutral side, simply stating what occurred
and then giving positions of both sides. 

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