Sunday, February 28, 2016

From Academia to Social Media

Social Media in Academics

kropekk. "Social Media" 08/19/2014 via Pixabay

R. David McLean:

The only form of social media that I could locate for David McLean is his google site. 

The social media presence of this author is very weak and the only information available on his website are his publications and a copy of his resume. 

I have learned that David McLean is a professor at DePaul University. I also learned that McLean got his undergrad from Arizona State University and his Ph.D in finance from Boston College. Another interesting fact I learned about McLean is that he often works within the economy of Asian countries and spent time working in Japan as a Shinomura Fellow. 

The persona of David McLean does not vary from his website and his academic journal. McLean is very professional in the academic publication and the website is an extension of his work as a financial researcher. The website serves as a way for people in the field to communicate with him and find copies of the works he took part in. One example of the professionalism on the website is his resume, which is very well done and professional, like his published essay in the finance journal.

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