Sunday, February 7, 2016

The Time Period

The News

An outlet to inform the people

ClkerFreeVectorImages. "Earth". 4/2/2012 via pixabay

Local (Greece) News Stories: 

Greece in Recession in 2015 - Ekathimerini 

National (European Union) News Stories:

Global News Stories:

July of 2015 proved to be the peak of the Greek Financial Crisis. Around the world eyes looked upon Greece and the European Union. All the articles that I was able to find focused on either the Greek Financial Crisis or the people affected by the crisis. Around the world, economies slowly recovered from the Great Recession yet Greece continued to struggle. One thing the articles focused on was the lives of people and how this poverty has impacted people. Those who were hit the hardest were forced to sleep on the streets of Athens as homeless and go without meals for days, barely struggling to survive every day. Another major topic was the referendum vote that took place within Greece deciding to take the financial packaged offered to them by the European Union which would aid them but also increase the debt of the country.  


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