Sunday, February 28, 2016

Report on My Interviews

Learning from an Interview

Shazer, Mirade. "Interview" 10/13/2015 via Pixabay

Three significant genres that I learned about from the interviews are essays, google hangouts, and excel.

These genres differ from each other in many ways. An essay is written information to convey an idea. Google hangouts is a way for people to communicate via voice, text, and video. Excel is a way for people to organize numbers and put data in a manner that it is understandable to others. Conventions of an essay are the classic conventions such as grammar, voice, organization, word choice. Conventions for Google Hangouts are video chats and the voice of other people as they communicate to their fellows over the internet. Finally, excel is using complex formulas and graphs to convey their information to their peers researching in their field. 

Professionals in the finance field experience many challenges when writing in their genres. The most challenging aspect of writing essays is the research aspect. In order to write an essay, a professional has to have the content available and they do this through extensive research and peer cooperation. The most difficult challenge for Google Hangouts is coordinating times and dates as to when everyone can be on the Google Hangout as they have to be in front of their computer and have the time to talk and communicate. The final challenge with excel is that learning excel and spreadsheets can be very difficult and tedious. Also in order to properly utilize excel, they have to know what they want and how they want it because Excel does not simply walk them through their issues. 

Much excitement was expressed for the use of Google Hangouts. In the interview, Brown told me that he does not email or call people that often and therefore, Google Hangouts is the primary form of communication between himself and his tight-nit group of peers. He enjoys being able to have video chats with professionals in his field from across the world. 

Genre examples of excel and financial essays will rarely be found in mass media. The only outlet these papers would be seen is in a very specific subreddit of reddit like /r/finance. Google Hangouts can be seen often in mass media but not with a financial purpose. Many people tune into public Google Hangouts to see discussions and shows varying from sports, games, and even esports. People will often share these Google Hangouts on twitter, facebook, and reddit so others can tune in.

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