Friday, February 12, 2016

Peer Review 2

Extensive Peer Review 

For my second peer review I peer reviewed Shauna, who did a QRG and Jianna, who did a podcast.


Peer Review of QRG

Peer Review of Podcast

Center for Scientific Review. "Review" 08/22/2005 via NIH

1. I learned a significant amount about my own draft of my podcast through this peer review process. Through the peer review process, I was able to understand how it is to be a listener of a podcast and what keeps me entertained by a podcast. I learned that a podcast should be professional but also flow in a casual manner as if the entire recording is an active discussion of the podcast with another person. Through this manner of speech, the podcast will be far more entertaining and keep readers actively listening to my words.

2. One of the issues I have with my draft are lack of conventions such as transitions, sound effects, and a introduction. Another issue I have with my draft of my podcast is the organization and flow of my podcast. I start strong with my draft and then through bulk of the information I feel that listeners could possible become confused of the issues and the views of each stockholder. The final problem I have with my podcast is wrapping up the conversation with a complete overview of the Greek Financial Crisis where I can speak about every stockholder and their opinions then finish wth a final statement on the controversy. I plan to write out my script again and then record another podcast that flows even better with an improved tone. I will also include sound affects to improve the professionalism of the podcast.

3. After the peer review I also noticed many strengths within my podcast. The main strength I feel my podcast has is the voice. My podcast flows and has a professional tone that keeps the readers focused on the content. Another strength I have in my podcast is editing out parts where I stuttered or did not know what to say. By editing these parts out the podcast flows and continues to explain the controversy. The final strength of the draft that I will build upon is the production and recording quality of my podcast. I used a high quality mic and powerful editing software with rendering, which makes the podcast clear and understandable.

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