Sunday, February 21, 2016

Local Revision: Pronoun Usage

Proper use of a Placeholder 

Humanity+. "Speaker Placeholder" 05/02/2010 via Flickr. 
1. I believe that I used pronouns in my project very effectively. I used very little pronouns and used them only when necessary. When creating an essay, it can be very challenging to include a large amount of pronouns within the podcast because oftentimes it is very easy for a listener to become lost and confused when listening. Abstaining from an abundance of pronouns keeps the listener on the right path and ensures no information is mistaken for another party. Actively examining pronoun usage has shown me that I would rather write out the name again rather than use a pronoun to shorten something that may not need be brief. 

2. The only instance where I speak directly to the audience is the beginning intro where I greet the audience and then tell them what I will be talking about and who I am. I believe this is the only necessary time to address the audience. The information being conveyed is very specific and does not require the audiences' participation in order to be taught. I chose to leave the audience out of the writing because when discussing the Greek financial crisis I feel that bringing in the audience ruins the atmosphere of the podcast. Also being that the majority if not all of my audience will be in the United States it is not necessary to ask for an opinion or try to relate because most of the audience has probably not been to Europe and even less likely to have experienced Greece in a manner where they can relate. 

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