Sunday, March 27, 2016

Reflection on Post Production

The Final Phase

Some of the main successes that I had during this week's process work of post production were revising my work. I was able to utilize the peer reviews of my rough cut in order to work towards a better final draft that is adequate to submit. Another success that I experienced during this week's process work was being able to revise my own work a week after creating a rough draft, which gave me a new look on the work that I was constantly reading and looking over the week before. One example of the process work that was a success was being peer reviewed by Nicolas Herard who gave me very good advice and was honest as to how I should improve my project.

I faced many challenges during this week's process work. The main challenge that I faced during this week's process work was the time management for the blog work. Managing my time to where I could have adequate time to both finalize my draft and work on the necessary blog posts. An example of this is that I spent so much time peer reviewing on the weekend that it possibly took away from the time to work on and revise my final draft.

I think next week will go very well because we are starting a new project and I get a new start.

Overall I am feeling very confident about the project. I believe that I have put a great amount of work into the project and trust that if I put in great work I will get great results.

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