Sunday, March 27, 2016

Peer Review for Jake Gyles

Making Others Better

The person that I decided to peer review is Jake Gyles. His draft of his podcast can be found HERE.

The activity that I decided to do for Jake is the second activity, making a recommendation about form. I told Jake that the best thing he could do to improve his podcast. The biggest form recommendation I could give to Jake Gyles would be to include different conventions of the podcast genre in order to create a better work. The first thing that Jake can include in his podcast to make it even better is to add introduction and concluding music and phrases. Adding a zinger to the podcast will invite the audience into his podcast from the very start. Some sort of music or tones will pull the reader even deeper into the podcast.

Another main thing that Jake needs to add to his podcast is the main content. As of now he seems to have a solid plan within his draft for his final. Jake will need to write a script or outline to assist him in moving through the podcast and still being able to convey all the necessary information to the audience.

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