Sunday, March 27, 2016

Peer Review for Sofia Haserot

Reviewing others to make them better

I reviewed the QRG of Sofia Haserot found HERE

The activity that I decided to do for peer reviewing this QRG is the second activity, making a recommendation about form.

I believe that this QRG is a great start to utilizing the genres of a QRG. I believe the best recommendation about form that I could give would be the overall visual element of a QRG. I think that you can create a much greater QRG by having images on at least every page and utilizing tight text wrap to give the images a natural place on the page among the text. By doing this, the eyes of the reader are able to flow naturally through the page, making the content easier to digest. Another aspect of the QRG that I believe will improve it greatly is by changing the font to something that is more inviting to the reader and spacing out the text into small sections. In all, creating a better appearance through titles, white space, and image spacing, the QRG will be improved greatly. 

One thing that I admired about the work in this QRG was the amount of information and detail within the QRG. I can tell that the author is passionate about their field of study and has a lot to say regarding the different genres. In all the QRG is very impressive but just needs cosmetic fixes to be considered great. 

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