Sunday, March 13, 2016

Open Post to Peer Reviewers

Sharing my work with others

I anticipate the post-production to be a complete rewrite of my essay. My draft was rushed and weak in my opinion so for post-production I will ensure that I create a work that I am satisfied with. The major issue with my rough draft is the length of the essay as it is very short right now. Another weakness of the essay is not having a complete description and understanding of the different genres in the essay. The biggest strength of my essay is the utilization of my interviews in order to convey the information of the differing genres.

LINK to draft


  1. Nick,

    I think you already know what is wrong with your paper however I do not think it needs a complete rewrite. Like you said, you are missing a lot of information for this assignment. I do not know how you are going to add the second person you interviewed in this paper. I would suggest that you introduce both of them together and then break it apart into the genres. I also am not sure what genre you are using besides research papers.

    I do not think you need to scrap everything you wrote on research papers. It seems like you were beginning to break down how the writing process for them but you strayed away from that further into the paper. I think you should continue talking about the writing process but also get more specific like what is written first or what is in a research paper. If excel is part of this writing process then you should keep the portion where you talk about excel if not then you should remove it.

    I would also recommend that you use shorter paragraphs. Your paper looks like a bunch of huge blocks and I think that having more breaks would make it easier to read. You also do a good job referencing your interviewer but one of the genre conventions is to create an in-text citation from this interview which is something you need to do in your paper. Also do not forget to add a conclusion and Worked Cited.

    Good luck with your final draft.

    Nicolas Herard

  2. Nick the essay looked great, I felt that you had a lot of great content. One thing I would change is the sources. I feel like the sources you used weren’t cited properly, but it’s an easy fix. I also think you may need to incorporate ethos, logos, and pathos better into your project as well, maybe by mentioning it a few more times. I really liked the essay, I think you have a lot of great, raw content to work with here.
