Monday, March 28, 2016

Editorial Report 9a

Digging Deep into my Text

Rough Cut:

David Brown and Anjelina Belakovskaia stressed the importance of conveying information to their audience. In order to present research to audiences both in and out of the financial industry, these professionals have to rely on the tools available to them that can make complex ideas digestible. This is where the two genres of a research publication and graphs and tables tie together. Rhetorical concepts come into play through these genres in multiple manners. The main rhetorical concepts that Brown and Belakovskaia utilize in their works is ethos and logos. Logos is the use of logic and reasoning. A research publication’s foundation is logic and reasoning. Without the use of logos, the financial industry would not make sense at all or even be credible. David Brown conveys this logos in his papers with the backing of his research that he can thoroughly explain. Brown is able to reference his findings with his studies, statistics, and the cooperation of other professionals. Another factor in the publications that provides reasoning is the structure of the publication. With a proper beginning, middle, and end, the publications provide a logical explanation of the financial theories given by the author.

Re-Edited Selection

David Brown and Anjelina Belakovskaia stressed the importance of conveying information to their audience. In order to present research to audiences both in and out of the financial industry, these professionals have to rely on the tools available to them that can make complex ideas digestible. This is where the two genres of a research publication and graphs and tables tie together. Rhetorical concepts come into play through these genres in multiple manners. The main rhetorical concepts that Brown and Belakovskaia utilize in their works is ethos and logos. Logos is the use of logic and reasoning. A research publication’s foundation is logic and reasoning. Without the use of logos, the financial industry would not make sense at all or even be credible. David Brown conveys this logos in his papers with the backing of his research that he can thoroughly explain. Brown is able to reference his findings with his studies, statistics, and the cooperation of other professionals. Another factor in the publications that provides reasoning is the structure of the publication. With a proper beginning, middle, and end, the publications provide a logical explanation of the financial theories given by the author.

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Editorial Report 9b

Revising Revising Revising

Rough Cut:

Research papers are the core of content creation and publication. Research papers are created through collaboration and dedication of academia within their respected field. A research paper goes through vigorous editing and input in order to become published. David Brown at the University of Arizona has put a great amount of time into his research papers and has successfully published more than four publications. Brown actively travels to different research facilities and works in cooperation with other research professors in order to create a work that can be published to the public. Creating a research paper requires many steps. The first step of creating a research paper is finding something to research. Professionals commit their careers to studying and developing new research of topics within their respected fields. Those in the finance fields often focus on investing and matters involving the flow of money.

Re-Edited Selection:

Research papers are the core of content creation and publication. Research papers are created through collaboration and dedication of academia within their respected field. A research paper goes through vigorous editing and input in order to become published. David Brown at the University of Arizona has put a great amount of time into his research papers and has successfully published more than four publications. Brown actively travels to different research facilities and works in cooperation with other research professors in order to create a work that can be published to the public. Creating a research paper requires many steps. The first step of creating a research paper is finding something to research. Professionals commit their careers to studying and developing new research of topics within their respected fields. Those in the finance fields often focus on investing and matters involving the flow of money.

Reflection on Post Production

The Final Phase

Some of the main successes that I had during this week's process work of post production were revising my work. I was able to utilize the peer reviews of my rough cut in order to work towards a better final draft that is adequate to submit. Another success that I experienced during this week's process work was being able to revise my own work a week after creating a rough draft, which gave me a new look on the work that I was constantly reading and looking over the week before. One example of the process work that was a success was being peer reviewed by Nicolas Herard who gave me very good advice and was honest as to how I should improve my project.

I faced many challenges during this week's process work. The main challenge that I faced during this week's process work was the time management for the blog work. Managing my time to where I could have adequate time to both finalize my draft and work on the necessary blog posts. An example of this is that I spent so much time peer reviewing on the weekend that it possibly took away from the time to work on and revise my final draft.

I think next week will go very well because we are starting a new project and I get a new start.

Overall I am feeling very confident about the project. I believe that I have put a great amount of work into the project and trust that if I put in great work I will get great results.

Peer Review for Jake Gyles

Making Others Better

The person that I decided to peer review is Jake Gyles. His draft of his podcast can be found HERE.

The activity that I decided to do for Jake is the second activity, making a recommendation about form. I told Jake that the best thing he could do to improve his podcast. The biggest form recommendation I could give to Jake Gyles would be to include different conventions of the podcast genre in order to create a better work. The first thing that Jake can include in his podcast to make it even better is to add introduction and concluding music and phrases. Adding a zinger to the podcast will invite the audience into his podcast from the very start. Some sort of music or tones will pull the reader even deeper into the podcast.

Another main thing that Jake needs to add to his podcast is the main content. As of now he seems to have a solid plan within his draft for his final. Jake will need to write a script or outline to assist him in moving through the podcast and still being able to convey all the necessary information to the audience.

Peer Review for Sofia Haserot

Reviewing others to make them better

I reviewed the QRG of Sofia Haserot found HERE

The activity that I decided to do for peer reviewing this QRG is the second activity, making a recommendation about form.

I believe that this QRG is a great start to utilizing the genres of a QRG. I believe the best recommendation about form that I could give would be the overall visual element of a QRG. I think that you can create a much greater QRG by having images on at least every page and utilizing tight text wrap to give the images a natural place on the page among the text. By doing this, the eyes of the reader are able to flow naturally through the page, making the content easier to digest. Another aspect of the QRG that I believe will improve it greatly is by changing the font to something that is more inviting to the reader and spacing out the text into small sections. In all, creating a better appearance through titles, white space, and image spacing, the QRG will be improved greatly. 

One thing that I admired about the work in this QRG was the amount of information and detail within the QRG. I can tell that the author is passionate about their field of study and has a lot to say regarding the different genres. In all the QRG is very impressive but just needs cosmetic fixes to be considered great. 

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Open Post to Peer Reviewers

Sharing my work with others

I anticipate the post-production to be a complete rewrite of my essay. My draft was rushed and weak in my opinion so for post-production I will ensure that I create a work that I am satisfied with. The major issue with my rough draft is the length of the essay as it is very short right now. Another weakness of the essay is not having a complete description and understanding of the different genres in the essay. The biggest strength of my essay is the utilization of my interviews in order to convey the information of the differing genres.

LINK to draft

Reflection on Production

Reflection: Explain how you really messed up

What were some of the successes during this week's process work? Explain.
      The main success of this week's process work was building a rough cut of my project. This is where my ideas finally came together as one and created the entirety of my project. Another major success I had was finally looking deeply into the ideas behind my project and gathering actual content to include in my project.

What were some of the challenges during this week's process work? Explain.
     The main challenge that I faced during this week's process work was time management. Making the draft seemed to sneak up on me when I was focused doing the blog work so I put very little time into the draft of my project. Another challenge I faced was gathering concrete content to include in my draft and then finding support from my interviews to back up those statements.

How do you think next week will go, based on your experiences this week?
     I think next week will go well depending on how I manage my time and if I start early and put the necessary time into my final draft.

How are you feeling about the project overall at this point?
     Overall I am feeling very confident about my project now that it is the second project and I have all the first time jitters done with.

Production Report

Reporting what is known:

How did you decide to use form to present your content in the raw material you've shared here? How did the conventions of your chosen genre influence your choice?

How did the production of this raw material go? What kinds of hiccups, challenges, successes, creative epiphanies, etc. occurred during the process?

Outline Item:

Adaption of Outline Item:

Production Report

Reporting what is known:

How did you decide to use form to present your content in the raw material you've shared here? How did the conventions of your chosen genre influence your choice?

How did the production of this raw materiel go? What kinds of hiccups, challenges, successes, creative epiphanies, etc. occurred during the process?

Outline Item:

Adaption of Outline Item: