"Research is creating new knowledge" - Neil Armstrong
Mediterranean Center of Medical Sciences. "Research" 05/19/2015 via flickr |
The Second Economic Adjustment Programme for Greece
This source comes from the European Union. It is a write up of the second economic adjustment program for the country of Greece. This 195 page write up is hosted by Europa.eu which is the official website of the European Union. This source is credible giving it is a primary source from the actual European Union, the main party involved.
The author of this document is the European commission which is the party directly involved with the economic crisis of Greece and repairing their faltering economy. This information makes the source extremely credible as it is a document planning the actual aid of Greece. This source came out in March 2012, the height of Greece's economic crisis and peak of their indebtedness. Finally the source offers the entire structure of the second economic adjustment for Greece, information and infographics on Greece's economy, and the policy discussions of the time for the situation.
Anil Kashyap's Primer on the Greek Crisis
Where: This source comes from the University of Chicago, Booth School of Business. It is hosted by the schools website, Chicagobooth,edu. It is credible because it is an edu, a sign of an academic institution.
Who: The author of the source is Anil Kashyap, a professor of economics and finance at the University of Chicago. Kashyap has won numerous awards for his work, has worked as an economist for multiple banks, and received a bachelor's degree from the University of California at David and a PhD from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
When: This source came out June 29th, 2015 at the height of the Greek financial crisis. The time period increases the credibility of the source due to the information available and the relevance of the topic for the time it was written.
What: The source offers an entire write up on the Greek Financial Crisis and how Greece came to such a situation. The article explains what Greek did in the past to get to their situation and how Greek can improve their situation for the future. This article represents an American perspective but includes the perspective of multiple stakeholders including Greece themselves.
Greece's Debt Crisis Explained
Where: This source came from the International Business section of The New York Times. This host makes the source more credible because The New York Times is an established and trusted news outlet within the United States.
Who: The author of this source is a contribution between Liz Alderman, James Kanter, Jim Yardley, Jack Ewing, Niki Kitsantonis, Suzanne Daley, Karl Russel, Andrew Higgins, and Peter Eavis. By working as a large group they are less likely to make mistakes and bring multiple perspectives into the article, making it less biased and more credible.
When: This source came out November 9, 2015. This date means that the source came out after the peak of Greek's financial turmoil. Due to this the NY Times is able to create a more complete document that entails all the information of the Greek financial crisis. During this period, the Greek financial crisis is relatively quiet and turmoil is dying down throughout the world as their economy began to see positive trends.
What: This source offers me a complete explanation to Greece's debt crisis and how the country got to such a position in the first place. Additionally, the article provides perspectives from the US, Greece, and the EU.
Greece Economy under Capital Controls
Where: This article comes from the news site, The Economist. This host is credible because they are an established financial reporting company with a large and experienced staff.
Who: The author of this source is anonymous due to the way the Economist publishes their articles. This both hurts and helps the credibility of the source. It can hurt the credibility due to the fact that we do not know the background of the person writing it and how knowledgeable they are on the subject. It can also aid the credibility through the fact that the writing is not writing for their own interests and their name will not be published on the article so they have nothing to gain from including a bias.
When: This source came out July 5th, 2015. This means that the source came out in the prime of the Greek financial crisis and when the topic was being discussed and debated widespread across the entire world. This means the author has many resources available to him and people to interview right as the event is unfolding in front of the,. This specific time period plays a key role in the story because it is showing the unwrapping of the financial crisis and the author does not know what will happen in the future.
What: This article takes a different approach to the Greek Financial Crisis and shows how the economic downturn is affecting the citizens of Greece. It shows the struggles of business owners to stay in business and the struggles of citizens to feed their family as banks begin to lose all their moneys. Hospitals also have similar problems and cannot treat everyone in the effectiveness that is required for a first world hospital. This source represents Greece and their interests as a country.
Understanding the Financial Crisis in Greece
Where: This source comes from the youtube channel. VlogBrothers. This is hosted by Youtube which is owned by Google. The created of the video, John Green, is an author and public figure with videos that explain things within the world. This is a credible source because he listed all his sources that he utilized. Vlogbrothers has over two million subscribers on YouTube.
Who: John Green is an American author and co-host of VlogBrothers. He has written works such as "The Fault in our Stars" and is widely respected within the history and literature community. He has a bachelors degree in English and religious studied from Kenyon College.
When: This source came out July 7th, 2015 during the peak of Greece's financial crisis. During this month was a large recession in Greece and all of Europe as a result of their economic struggle. This time is important to the story because it was the turning point for Greece economically and the time that decided how their economy would be in the future.
What: This sources offers a complete rundown of the financial crisis in Greece and the information as to how Greece got in the situation that they were in. It represents Greece as the primary stakeholder and follows all the actions made by Greece. It is important to my project because it gives the needed background to understand the Greek bailouts.
How the Euro caused the Greek Crisis
Where: This source comes from the YouTube channel, Vox. Vox is a general interest news site whose mission is to explain the news for the 21st century. Vox is an established channel on twitter and has over 300,000 subscribers.
Who: The author of this video is Matthew Yglesias, a writer for Vox. Yglesias received his education Harvard University in 2003. He has held many jobs as an economic writer. Yglesias is a credible source as he is knowledgeable and education within the realm of economics.
When: This source came out July 2nd, 2015 during the peak of Greece's financial crisis. During this month was a large recession in Greece and all of Europe as a result of their economic struggle. This time is important to the story because it was the turning point for Greece economically and the time that decided how their economy would be in the future. July was the month that the future of Greece was most debated and whether or not they would stay within the European Union.
What: This source provides the main cause for the Greek financial crisis, the Euro. It states and backs up why the Euro and Greece's adoption of the Euro is the reason that the Greek economy is in a full recession and unable to recover. It represents Greece as the stakeholder as it sides that the EU is at fault when dealing with Greece's economic struggles.
Greece in the EU
Where: This article is from the European Union. It is hosted on europa.eu, which is the official website of the European Union. Being from the EU itself, it makes this source extremely credible.
Who: The specific author of the post is not listed because it is from the EU. By being written and published on an EU site it can be safely assumed that this source is credible and fact checked by the European government.
When: It is unknown when this source was published due to the generic topic that it covers. It can be assumed that the article was published after 2014 since it states 2014 numbers, which means that it was right as the Greek economy was beginning to head downwards.
What: The source offers general information about Greece as a country. It included the population, government makeup, currency, and a brief description of Greece as a whole. This source is important because in order to understand the financial crisis, it is important to understand Greece as a country and their economy.
Greece Information
Where: This article comes from Greek Landscapes. Greeklandscapes.com is an unbiased and independent group who seek to offer information of Greek to everyone on the internet. It is now owned or paid by any travel companies or companies with any personal interests. This makes this source credible because it means that they do not risk posting false information for the gain of others.
Who: This article was compiled from various sources in order to provide a correct overview of the country. Through working together, it increased the credibility of the source as it is fact checked and multiple perspectives are able to contribute to the data.
When: This source came out around 2010. This means that this source is mostly unaffected by the controversy and instead offers information about Greece as a country. This time period does not affect the story as I used this source to better understand Greece and how their government works.
What: This source offers me important information about Greece. It includes landscapes, government, economy, and history. All these topics are important to understanding the economics behind Greece and all the stakeholders and how they came to the situation that they have today.
Where the key players currently stand
Where: This source is hosted by the Los Angeles Times on their website in the Europe section of their paper. This affects credibility positively because the LA times are a respected news outlet that remains unbiased when reporting the news.
Who: This article is written by Carol J. Williams who was the senior international affairs writer for the Los Angeles Times. Williams has over 25 years experience as a foreign correspondent. Williams received her bachelors degree in journalism, psychology, and Russian from the University of Washington. This increased the credibility as Williams has a vast knowledge on Europe and a reputation to be trusted when reading her work.
When: This source came out July 1st, 2015 during the peak of Greece's financial crisis. During this month was a large recession in Greece and all of Europe as a result of their economic struggle. This time is important to the story because it was the turning point for Greece economically and the time that decided how their economy would be in the future. July was the month that the future of Greece was most debated and whether or not they would stay within the European Union.
What: The source offers a perspective from all the major stakeholders involved within the Greek Financial Crisis. It offers quotes from every stakeholder along with a description of their perspective and what each stakeholder wants to gain out of the situation. This information is crucial to the project because without thoroughly understand all the stakeholders involved, it is impossible to accurately report the controversy correctly
Where: This source is from the European Union in the form of their official website, Europa.eu. This host is credibly because it is the official European Union itself, one of the main stakeholders within this controversy.
Who: The European Union is the author of this source. This document was created through collaboration of the European Union for the purpose of informing people about the European Union. This increased the credibility of the source because it is official and does not give any bias when listing the facts of the union.
When: The date of the source is not listed as it is not relevant to a fact sheet of the European Union. Upon observation, the source appears to have been created after 2013 as it states facts from 2013.
What: The information this source offers my project is crucial details on how the EU was founded and how it works because the EU is a main character in this controversy. Without the EU then these problems would not be here because the Euro would not exist and many countries could very well be at war right now. Overall, without the understanding of the EU it is impossible to comprehend the problems of Greece and how they came to be.